I am out of Zar decks for sale. I hope to reprint, but don't know how long that will take. Please don't try to order Zar decks. I will just refund your payment.
is only $8.50 a deck + $4.75 shipping in the US (+ 6.045% sales tax for Utah residents)
Buy a dozen for half
price - $51 + $10.50 shipping in the US
(+ 6.045% sales tax for Utah residents)
You can buy Zar online &
pay securely through PayPal.
Click a button to make a
secure online payment via PayPal. You'll be asked for your PayPal login or given the chance to register.
Or mail a check
1208 E. Nichols Canyon Rd.
Cedar City, UT 84721
For international orders,
email me with the quantity & your address & I'll calculate the cost. zarguy@gmail.com